Inspiring Creativity Fostering CompassionNurturing Excellence

Emergency Closure


Emergency Closure Information

The Headteacher is responsible to the Governors and Pickwick Academy Trust for the running of the school and the safety of the pupils and the staff. Therefore, the Headteacher has to decide what action needs to be taken in emergency conditions.  The first consideration should always be the safety and welfare of the pupils and the staff.

Whenever possible, the full closure of the school will be avoided. When considering closure due to emergency conditions, the Headteacher will decide whether initiating a partial closure, half day closure or combining classes would remove the need to totally close the school.  This would enable the premises are kept open for as long as possible and to as many pupils as possible.

Parents are reminded annually about emergency school closure.  If the decision is made to close the school, the website will be updated with this information as early as possible.  An email will also be sent to parents informing them of this decision.  Local radio stations will be informed (Heart and BBC Wiltshire) so check on their websites.  If you Google 'School closures in Wiltshire' these will come up.

 In the very extreme circumstances of the school closing during the school day, parents will be informed by email.  No children will be sent home unless there is a responsible adult to receive them.

Please let us know if email messages to you are unreliable and provide us with an alternative means of communication.