Inspiring Creativity Fostering CompassionNurturing Excellence



Designated Safeguarding Lead - Harriet Collins 

Deputy Designated Safeguarding  Lead - Rachael McMullen

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Imogen Boothby

Safeguarding the welfare and well-being of our pupils, and protecting them from harm is our prime concern at Ludwell Primary School.

Safeguarding encompasses issues such as child protection, pupil health and safety, online safety, bullying/cyber-bullying, appropriate medical provision, drugs and substance misuse. These areas have specific policies and guidance, which can be found on this page.

Should you have any queries or wish to raise concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Harriet Collins,  Head Teacher and designated safeguarding lead.

Mr Jon Rich (Co-Chair of Governors) is the Safeguarding Governor for Ludwell Primary School. You can contact him through the Clerk to the Governors at


 anti-bullying-policy- Ludwell 23 -24.pdfDownload
 Data Protection Policy May 2023.pdfDownload
 Intimate Care Guidance 23-24.docxDownload
 Ludwell School Behaviour Policy 2023 - 2024.pdfDownload
 Online Safety policy Nov 2023.docxDownload
 Safeguarding and CP Policy September 2023.pdfDownload
 Staff Behaviour Policy 2023-2024.pdfDownload
 Whistleblowing Policy March 2023.pdfDownload
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Useful Links

NSPCC/O2 Online Safety Helpline - 0808 800 5002

Technical advice including parental controls, privacy settings & info on online gaming